When our family decided to enroll our three children at Calvary Christian Academy in the year 2001, we had no idea that this little school would become such a significant and rewarding part of our life. Our two older children have now graduated and moved on to high school, where they are excelling in their academics. But their fondest school memories are from their days at CCA. All the teachers and staff have a great love for the Lord and love for children. The word “nurturing” comes to mind when I reflect on how our children were taught… I consider some of their teachers to have been excellent role models.

We were initially attracted to CCA because it is a Christian school. We never knew what an impact it would have on all of us! From the class prayer times and Bible studies, to chapels, to loving, caring moments at any time of the day, our kids were encouraged in their faith walk. We didn’t only get a Christian school for our kids; we also got a Christian community for the whole family. Over the years we’ve worked alongside many of the other parents through fundraisers, family fun events, volunteering on field trips, etc. We’ve laughed and cried and prayed together. We’ve built friendships that will last beyond our CCA days.

CCA has always placed a great emphasis on character development, encouraging the children to grow in empathy and love for others. They have had the privilege of learning to do things “because they can”. The school has made a special effort to bring into the children’s lives people who have faced great personal challenges and persevered in the face of difficulty. I think of Noella, a legally blind paralympian runner who currently serves as role model and encourager to the students, even while they encourage her and cheer her on. What a special relationship.

Calvary Christian Academy has been blessed with a unique blend of faith, nurturing, character building and academics. And our lives have been enriched by being a part of it.

Trish Irwin-Kitt

My School, By Grant Kelly – Grade 4

Hello everyone.

Have you ever thought about how lucky we are to be a part of CCA?

Do you know in some schools children do not have the opportunity to develop their minds while growing in their faith and character?

We are very blessed to be students of CCA.

We at CCA place God at the center of our lives which is helping us to be the best version of ourselves. We are a Christian school so we are required to respect ourselves and the others at all times. At CCA we are learning more about the Bible and growing closer to the Lord every day. We have chapel time to pray together and share stories because we know that a joy shared is a joy doubled, and a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.

Because we are all God’s children, that makes us family. CCA feels more like a family than a school. We help each other contribute in many ways. We raise money for our school together with the Christmas auction and the Where’s Franktown Run. We find ways to help others too, though events like Operation Christmas Child and we donate food to those in need.

Our school is a great place for kids. We have children preschool to grade 8 and everyone knows each other. We even have older students as mentors. Our teachers love to teach children and help us to work hard at our school work. They help us to have fun while we learn. The teachers place special events for us. The Fall Fair, Spirit Week, Christmas concert, BBQ’s and field trips just to name a few. They even make our assemblies extra fun by allowing us to share our talents. We have a huge school yard to play and lots of land for nature hikes. We even have a pond to enjoy and explore for science class. Our running club helps to keep our bodies healthy and fit. We have the chance to take music lessons, Lego Robotics, swimming lessons and sports teams. We also have a hot lunch program if we would like a hot meal at school. One of my most favourite things about CCA is our great uniforms. We never have to wonder what we will wear to school in the morning!

Each of our teachers have a special role in our growth and development every day.

Mr. Bourne and Mrs. Kitt welcome us into school each morning and know us by name. Mrs. Reid watches over us at the end of the school day and when we get on the bus or are waiting for our parents to pick us up.

I am very thankful to be a student at CCA.

I know that there are other great children that would also love CCA and I pray the Lord will lead them here. I thank God for CCA.

Grant Kelly, Grade 4 Student

Eight years ago we were prayerfully considering where to send our son for his educatiMy name is Amy Atkinson and my husband Kevin and I have five wonderful children, four of whom attend CCA and one graduate who is in grade 9.

Kevin and I had made the decision to homeschool but found it overwhelming, so when we discovered this small God-centred, family-involved school we made the prayerful commitment to CCA. We had looked at other schools and even other Christian schools but the warm, home-like environment at this little school won our hearts. Even then I was hesitant to have my children in the care others for fear of what I would miss and what each child might lose in their individuality and learning styles. Soon into our first year we realized not what we had lost, but what we had gained.

CCA is committed to developing the whole child in the unique way God has created them. Our children have retained their individuality while being challenged to grow in their gifts. We have had one child graduate and he has transitioned better than we could have hoped. He still has the same happy, positive (usually!) attitude toward God, family,friends and learning that he did when he began school and we are grateful to  all the wonderful teachers that make the decision every day to build into our children so they may all experience this result. Our son is equipped to face the excitement and challenges of his expanding horizons while being rooted in his faith and following God’s leading.

Calvary Christian Academy has blessed our family and we look forward to seeing God’s further work in this special place.

Amy Atkinson


Eight years ago we were prayerfully considering where to send our son for his education.  Happily, we found Calvary Christian Academy and have never looked back!  Our son is now in grade six and our daughter is in grade four.  We all love this school!  As parents, we know that the school is like an extension of our home.  What we teach in our home is being reinforced at school.   Our children are being nurtured in their faith in a safe and loving environment.  Our children love to come to school!  Imagine….even an eleven year old boy!  CCA is outstanding in academics, the arts and athletics.  But aside from all this, our kids quite simply feel accepted and loved by the staff.  To us, this is so valuable as we look to equip our children for the upcoming teen years.

Jennifer and Richard Keating

Our children have attended CCA since September 2008.  During the summer of 2008 we relocated to Carleton Place.  Due to a learning disability, our son had been attending a private school.  Originally, our intention was to commute to and from this school to allow our son to continue to receive the education he needed. CCA was recommended to us by a friend as an alternative given CCA was also a private school with small teacher/student ratio.

We were hesitant to move him from his current school environment as it was tailored to his needs.  Looking back on our decision to place our children in this school was not driven by us but by answered prayer. Our children have flourished in CCA!!!

Since 2008, we have been extremely pleased with our children’s development both socially, academically and faithfully.  We are astonished by the academic standards.  This came to light early in our daughter’s enrollment (JK) at CCA.   The learning curve and material covered in her JK/SK years far exceeds the education our son received in the same grades.  The difference was blatantly obvious.  Naturally this reassured us even more that we made the right choice.

As for my son… the support he has received has been excellent.  While he continues to have challenges academically, the adaptability of the school to allow him to stay positive and work as hard as he can gives us confidence looking toward the future.  Along with the academic portion of his education, his character is growing ten-fold.  The intangibles of a child’s character that take time to develop are reflected every day in our son. The relationships our children have with their classmates and teachers warms both my wife’s and my hearts.  Furthermore, the relationships established amongst all grades are incredible.  I’ve been witness to much segregation in the public school system but CCA works to the contrary.  Senior grades interact with the younger grades to facilitate role modeling and mentoring.  My daughter was paired with a grade 8 student who participated in a reading program and my daughter simply adores that student.  The teachers know every child by name!!  It’s unbelievable how the school community allows that to happen promoting such a positive and pleasant environment.  Talk about feeling welcome!

More importantly, my children are exposed to openness with their faith.  The times to pray and share the Bible encourage my kids to embrace God as an integral part of their lives.  They are learning that the true building block of life is built on faith.  What more could a parent ask for?

Steve and Glenda O’Brien

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