In attempt to meet the needs of our families, we offer different pricing for different enrollment options

1/2 Day morning options:

Time: 8:30am – 11:30am

Includes morning snack

1 morning a week = $60 a month

2 mornings a week = $110 a month


1/2 Day afternoon options

Time: 11:30am – 3:30am

Includes lunch and afternoon snack

1 afternoon a week = $85 a month

2 afternoons a week = $160 a month


Full Day options:  

Time: 8:30am – 3:30am

Includes morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack

            1 full day = $132 a month

2 full days – $264 a month



            1 full day and 1 afternoon = $215 a month

            1 full day and 1 morning = $190


An additional $5 fee is applied to the pricing options above when registered families are in need of having their child attend Preschool during a time when they are not regularly scheduled (This always needs to be confirmed with the Early Childhood Educator so they can confirm that there is space)